Theodore Mathias Vandyke

Ted Mathias VanDyke
Theodore M VanDyke was born February 24, 1896 in Verboort, Oregon, the son of John and Constance (Hermans) VanDyke. He attended school in the old Columbia Academy near North Plains, Oregon, and at Roy and Purdin Schools.
He spent his early life helping his farther farm in the Verboort area. In 1918 he enlisted in the U.S. Army during World War I. Following his discharge from the army he bought a farm near St. Paul, Oregon. November 17, 1920 he married Nellie (Petronellia) Vandehey at Roy Oregon. They had 16 children. They lived in St Paul for 48 years farming multiple crops. He became a member of Woodburn Fruit Growers Coop, and served as director for 11 years and as president for one term. Ted retired in 1967, and moved back to Washington County, building a house on Long Road near Cornelius, Oregon.
Ted loved hunting and fishing. He and Nellie became interested in rock hounding in their later years. Ted died at the age of 91 on April 11, 1987