Adalaide "Lizzie" Vandyke
Requiem Mass Held For Long Time Resident Of Verboort Area, Adalaide (Lizzie) VanD y k e, a resident of the Forest Grove route 2 area for the past 62 years, died at the Eya Lena Nursing home Thursday August 3, after a very short illness. Recitation of the Rosary was held at Fuiten's Mortuary chapel Friday evening at 8 o'clock with the Very Rev. William Killion reciting. Requiem Mass was held at the Visitation Catholic church in Verboort, Saturday at 10 a.m. with the Very Rev. Wil. liam Killion as celebant, assisted by Father Ervin VanDehey and Father John Whelan. Music was arranged by the Visitation choir Interment followed in the family plot at the Visitation cemetery Adalaide M. Kersten, the daughter of John and Gertrude Kersten, was born in DePere, Wis., on August 13, 1879. It was in DePere that she was married to Henry VanDyke on! Feb. 1, 1898, Mel and Mrs. Van. Dyke then came to Oregon, settling at Verboort where they made their home and raised their family. Mr. VanDyke preceded her in death on April 13, 1944, Since Mr. VanDyke passed away, "Lizzie," as Mrs. VanDyke was affectionately known to her many friends, has made her home at Route 2, box 413, until illness forced her to enter the Eva Lena Nursing Home on Monday of last week. She was a member of the Visitation Catholic church and also a member of the Verboort Altar society. She is survived by four children; Mrs. Helen Bridges, route 1, Gaston, Frank T.Forest Grove; Harold J., Forest Grove and Lawrence J. Van Dyke of Newberg and also 15 grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren.