Joseph Henry Seus

Obituary Joseph H. Suus 1884 - 1965
Recitation of the Rosary for Joseph H. Sous Million hold Friday at 8 pm. at the Donel. son, Sewell & Ham mack Mortuary and Requiem Mass Will be Saturday at 10 a.m al St. Matthew's Catholic church.
Mr. Seus died December 7, 1995.
Rev. A. J. Gellass will officiate at the services.
Concluding services will be la family plot at Verhoort cemetery,
He was bora in Odin, Kan., March 17, 1884, and spent all is early life there. He was married to Mary Rone Nist at Seattle, Wash., Cor. 24, 1911. They then moved to their farm, north west of Hillsboro, and liv. od there until retirement in 1953. He was preceded to death by Ms witte ta 1984 and a sou Joeph Jr. Dec. 29, 1931.
He was a member St. Matthews's parish and a past member of St. Matthew's choir. He was among those instrumental la helping plan the first parish school. He was a charter member of Hillsboro Council Knights of Columbus.
Surviving are sons, John of Washington, D.C. Edward a Tule Lake, Calli., and Bernard of Hilsboro; daughters, Mary Lahti and Helen Thompson, both of Hillsboro, Genevieve Van Grunsven and Bertha Herb of Forest Grove and Dorothy Vuylsteke of Cornelius; 32 Grande children, sisters, Mrs. Flora Peachlar Hillsboro md Mrs.. Lucy Seus of Salinas, Kansas.